Wednesday 19 March 2008


Yes Lightshield, I too hate people who use the word "Irregardless"

Some people just hate particular words. An ex-girlfriend hated the C word. No biggie there, that's understandable.

But some people have really strange dislikes. My ex-wife hated the word "Moist" and her sister detests "Flange".

What word do you hate?


Unknown said...

I dislike the word "Moist" also.

MarcusMaximi said...

Are you my ex-wife? x :P

Carrie said...


Also "Spider", but that's probably just an association thing..

Natalie said...

Irregardless isn't even a word; that's why I hate it.

My hatred extends mostly to phrases. Specifically meaningless business speak:

"At the end of the day..."
"Let's discuss this offline..."
"Out of pocket..." (when not referring to expenses)
"Ping me..."
"Sync up..."
"Put that in the parking lot."

Nilum said...

Irregardless is actually a word and shows up in a number of modern dictionaries. It is nonstandard though, and similar to the word "ain't" in that its usage, while technically correct, is frowned upon in proper speech or prose.