Thursday 28 June 2018

How to Portal to Wailing Caverns

As usual, I have been a bit dense. I did the initial pet quest from Muyani to get the pet battle stone and the Wailing Caverns teleport, but then I couldn't find a spell in my spell book or an item in my bags. Hurrph!

Turns out the teleport is from Manapoof in the Dalaran Menagerie!

Tuesday 26 June 2018

So, how many blossoms can you  actually get.

Well if you take the teaser quest that's 1.

Then take the speak to a scorchling outside the city quest, that's another. They're ramping up now!

Then 10 Blossoms for the twilight cult questline.

If you do the initial Athune quest (only once ever per character) that's 20 blossoms.

Then do your dailies every day:
10 for striking back
12ish Frost Lord Athune
5 For Tossing
5 For Catching

That's at least 512 blossoms over the course of the holiday

Then there is the running all over the place honouring and desecrating fires:

Capital Cities 100
Kalimdor 225
Eastern Kingdoms 235
Cataclysm Zones(outside the above) 30!
Outland (via portal in Stormwind) 105
Northrend 120
Pandaria 105
Draenor 75
Broken Isles 75

That's a whopping 1,582 blossom - enough for 2 pieces of level 110 heirloom upgrades per character!!!

Sunday 24 June 2018

Midsummer Dailies

Don't forget to do you dailies as well, the bring in a lot of blossoms. I m already behind the curve :(

Frost Lord Athune brings in about 12 blossoms per bag

Striking back is 10 Blossoms and there is a handy portal in the mage tower in Stormwind, another reason to make Stormwind your base of operations for the event.

Torch tossing is easy sauce for 5 blossoms

Torch catching, as ever, is a pain in the arse if you have the slightest lag or get unlucky with a curve ball on the 9th catch.  If you have problems try turning off all your addons, dialing your graphic settings down and going to Exodar or Darnassus. A bit more work for another 5 Blossoms.

That's about 30 blossoms per day which equates to a whopping 450 blossoms just for doing the dailies. That's 3/4 of a level 110 heirloom upgrade as it is!

Friday 22 June 2018

Optimum Route For All the Midsummer Bonfires for 2018 ( plus Tom Tom Macro)

There's been a few minor changes over the years so my previous guides may or not be good. Search for midsummer and you'll get all the posts.

This year I've decided to aggregate all my fire location posts into 1 and compile all the tomtom macros together.

So to start off with here are all the previous posts so you don't have to go looking for them:

Tossing off in the Midsummer
Midsummer Madness
To get nice big macros you are probably best off using the macro toolkit addon.

Or even better don't load up these macros, install CandyBuckets addon and just follow my suggested order. If you feel there is a better order please let me know and I'l ltry it out on one of my alts.

Now, why would you want to do this, especially if you already have the achievement? For the Burning Blossom of course, and what do Blossoms make? Prizes!!! Those prizes being:

Ancient Heirloom Armor Casing 
Weathered Heirloom Armor Casing

Lots of lovely heirloom upgrades!!! So get all your alts out there desecrating fires. Then do the Lord Athune and Tossing and Catching dailies. The torch dailies give 5 blossoms each and the Satchel of Frozen Goods also contains some blossoms usually.

Oh, and if you're not level capped then don't forget to dance round a ribbon pole to get a 1 hour experience buff!

Eastern Kingdom
/way Dun Morogh 53.82 45.26 Kharanos
/way Wetlands 13.49 47.12 Menethil Harbor
/way Arathi Highlands 44.31 46.00 Refuge Pointe
/way Arathi Highlands 69.07 42.78 Hammerfall
/way The Hinterlands 76.76 74.56 Revantusk Village
/way The Hinterlands 14.34 50.11 Aerie Peak
/way Hillsbrad Foothills:Eastern Kingdoms 54.50 49.88 Tarren Mill
/way Silverpine Forest 49.60 38.55 The Sepulcher
/way Tirisfal Glades 62.30 66.87 Undercity
/way Tirisfal Glades 57.00 51.71 Brill
/way Western Plaguelands 29.10 56.50 The Bulwark
/way Western Plaguelands 43.45 82.35 Chillwind Camp
/way Ghostlands 47.01 26.05 Tranquillien
/way Eversong Woods 46.36 50.38 North Sanctum
/way Silvermoon 69.16 42.69 Silvermoon
Heath to Dullaran and Portal to Stormwind
/way Elwynn Forest 43 65 Goldshire
/way Westfall 45 62 Moonbrook
/way Northern Stranglethorn 40 51 Grom'gol Base Camp
/way Northern Stranglethorn 51 63 Fort Livingston
/way The Cape of Stranglethorn 50 70 East of Booty Bay
/way The Cape of Stranglethorn 50 70 East of Booty Bay
/way Duskwood 73.67 54.77 Darkshire
/run TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(19,0,0.4821,0.0726,{title="Zidormi - Switch to the Past"})
/run TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(19,0,0.46,0.14,{title="Dreadmaul Hold"})
/run TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(19,0,0.5523,0.1496,{title="Nethergarde Keep"})

Pop through the dark portal to Draenor

/way Shadowmoon Valley 42.6 36.0 Embaari Village
/way Spires of Arak 48.0 44.7 Veil Terokk
/way Talador 43.5 71.8 Retribution Point
/way Nagrand 80.7 47.6 Ring of Trials
/way Frostfire Ridge 72 65 Grom'gar
/way Gorgrond 43.9 93.8 Bastion Rise

Head back to dark portal and head back to Azeroth

Eastern Kingdoms cont...
/way Swamp of Sorrows 70.24 15.74 Alliance Bogpaddle
/way Swamp of Sorrows 76.75 14.22 Horde Bogpaddle
/way Redridge Mountains 24.84 53.40 Lakeshire
/way Burning Steppes 68.37 60.69 Morgan's Vigil
/way Burning Steppes 51.51 29.22 Flame Crest
/way Badlands 19.04 56.17 Dragon's Mouth
/way Badlands 24.02 37.26 New Kargath
/way Loch Modan 32.52 40.97 Thelsamar
/run TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(700,0,0.5321,0.463,{title="Bloodgulch"})
/run TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(700,0,0.4724,0.2903,{title="Thundermar"})

Heath to Dullaran and Portal to Wyrmrest Temple from the Chamber of the Guardian at 31.68 81.90
OR if you have one use Argent Crusader's tabard
OR if you've done the Sholazar Basin waygate quest then take the gate from Northern Un'Goro later

/way Howling Fjord 57.76 16.11 Fort Wildervar
/way Howling Fjord 48.45 13.38 Camp Winterhoof
/way Grizzly Hills 33.91 60.45 Amberpine Lodge
/way Grizzly Hills 19.07 61.46 Conquest Hold
/way Zul'Drak 43.25 71.37 The Argent Stand
/way Zul'Drak 40.38 61.28 The Argent Stand
/way The Storm Peaks 41.44 86.70 K3
/way The Storm Peaks 40.33 85.60 K3
/way Crystalsong Forest 80.31 52.91 Sunreaver's Command
/way Crystalsong Forest 78.16 74.90 Windrunner's Overlook
/way Dragonblight 75.29 43.80 Wintergarde Keep
/way Dragonblight 38.51 48.18 Agmar's Hammer
/way Borean Tundra 55.10 19.92 Fizzcrank Airstrip
/way Borean Tundra 51.07 11.77 Bor'gorok Outpost
/way Sholazar Basin 48.11 66.32 River's Heart - Alliance
/way Sholazar Basin 47.26 61.38 River's Heart - Horde

Head to Dalaran, portal to SW, portal to Hellfire


/way Hellfire Peninsula 62.18 58.34 Honor Hold
/way Hellfire Peninsula 57.18 41.81 Thrallmar
/way Netherstorm 32.26 68.29 Area 52
/way Netherstorm 31.22 62.67 Area 52
/way Blade's Edge Mountains 49.97 59.03 Thunderlord Stronghold
/way Blade's Edge Mountains 41.58 65.91 Sylvanaar
/way Zangarmarsh 35.6 51.78 Zabra'Jin
/way Zangarmarsh 68.79 51.97 Telredor
/way Nagrand:Outland 51.05 33.93 Garadar
/way Nagrand:Outland 49.64 69.43 Telaar
/way Terokkar Forest 51.92 43.24 Stonebreaker Hold
/way Terokkar Forest 54.06 55.48 Allerian Stronghold
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Outland 33.53 30.28 Shadowmoon Village
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Outland 39.65 54.63 Wildhammer Stronghold

Hearth to Dalaran, portal to Stormwind then the portal to Deepholm

/way Deepholm 49.00 51.00 Deepholm

Take the Portal to Vashj'ir

/way Shimmering Expanse 49.00 42.00

/way The Jade Forest:Pandaria 47.2 47.2 Dawn's Blossom
/way Kun-Lai Summit 71.1 90.9 Binan Village
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms 77.8 33.9 Mogu'shan Palace (both bonfires)
/way Townlong Steppes 71.5 56.3 Longying Outpost
/way Dread Wastes 56.1 69.5 Soggy's Gamble
/way Valley of the Four Winds 51.8 51.4 Halfhill
/way Krasarang Wilds 74.0 9.49 Zhu's Watch

Use Dalaran Hearth

Broken Isles
/way Suramar  30.4 45.4 Path by Meredil
/way Suramar 23.0 58.4 Bridge by Azsuna
/way Azsuna 48.3 29.7 Azurewing Repose
/way Val'sharah 44.9 57.9 Howling Dale
/way Highmountain 55.5 84.5 Ironhorn Enclave
/way Stormheim 32.5 42.2 Road to Highmountain
Get back to Dalaran and take portal to Darnassus

/way Teldrassil 54.8 52.7 Dolanaar
/way Steal Darnassus Flame
/way Azuremyst Isle 44.5 52.5 West of Azure Watch
/way Bloodmyst Isle 55.9 68.0 South of Blood Watch 
/way Darkshore 48.7 22.6 South West of Lor'danel
/way Stonetalon Mountains 49.3 51.3 Mirkfallon Lake
/way Stonetalon Mountains 53.0 62.3 Entrance to Sun Rock Retreat
/way Desolace 66.2 17.1 South of Nijel's Point
/way Desolace 26.1 77.3 South of Shadowprey Village
/way Feralas 46.8 43.8 West of Fethermoon Stronghold
/way Feralas 72.5 47.6 West of Camp Mojache 
/way Silithus 60.3 33.5 East of Cenrion Hold
/way Silithus 50.8 41.7 South West of Cenarion Hold
/run TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(720,0,0.535,0.319,{title="North West of Ramkahen"})
/run TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(720,0,0.529,0.346,{title="West of Ramkahen"})
/way Un'Goro 60.0 63.2 Marshal's Refuge
/way Un'Goro 56.4 66.0 Marshal's Refuge
/way Tanaris 52.7 30.1 East of Gadgetzan
/way Tanaris 49.8 28.1 West of Gadgetzan
/way Dustwallow Marsh 61.8 40.6 North of Theramore
/way Dustwallow Marsh 33.2 30.8 West of Brackenwall Village
/way Soutern Barrens 48.3 72.2 South of Fort Triumph
/way Soutern Barrens 40.7 67.3 North West of Desolation Hold
/way Mulgore 51.9 59.4 East of Bloodhoof Village
/way Steal the Flame of Thunder Bluff (Spirit Rise)
/way The Barrens 49.8 54.3  North of Crossroads
/way Ashenvale 51.6 66.6 Silverwind Refuge
/way Ashenvale 86.9 41.8 Forest Song
/way Durotar 52.0 47.2 South of Razor Hill
/way Flame of Orgrimmar 45.9 37.1 Valley of Wisdom
/way Azhsara 60.5 53.5 Bilgewater Harbour South Terrace
/way Mount Hyjal 62.8 22.7 Nordrassil
/way Winterspring 61.2 47.5 Everlook by Alliance FP
/way Winterspring 58.2 47.3  Everlook by Horde FP

Thursday 21 June 2018

3 Days of Totally Free World of Warcraft

OMFG. If you haven't played World of Warcraft for a while and have an inactive account hop on it NOW!!

Blizzard are activating ALL dormant accounts for 3 Days from tomorrow: Friday 22 June until Sunday 24 June!!

Yes, totally free, 3 days, I'm hopping onto my dormant 3rd account and sorting out all my characters bags and banks!!!

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Battle for Azeroth - If the horde makes allies of the Zandalari we won't have the power to stop them

 If the horde makes allies of the Zandalari we won't have the power to stop them

 If the horde makes allies of the Zandalari we won't have the power to stop them

 If the horde makes allies of the Zandalari we won't have the power to stop them

 If the horde makes allies of the Zandalari we won't have the power to stop them

 If the horde makes allies of the Zandalari we won't have the power to stop them

OK, Anduin, we get it already!!!