Tuesday 22 April 2008

Day Off

Sunday 13th April 2008

Friday night I went out IRL - shock horror.

Saturday morning I got my Netherwing dailies done and then remembered to hand in the time-phased phylactery to Akama that I've had since Tuesday...

Then it was time to do RL things with my kid.

I had planned a day off from WoW today and had consumed many ales at the local where a friends mother's 60th birthday party was occuring. I got home at around 17:30 and logged in to immediately get an invite to the TK raid.

They were on Solarian and need a healer, so in I popped and 15 minutes later I was another 1/4 of my DKP lighter (1/2 of what remained after last purchase) but had finally replaced my mail healing belt with Girdle of the Righteous Path!

During the course of the raid the badge vendor arrived in Quel'Danas, apparently it was absolute mayhem and you could not click on the vendor. The Horde were flagging PvP so that as soon as an alliance would click on them trying to click the vendor they would instigate combat and get pwned by the NPC guards!!

I went to have a look after the raid but it was still chaos.

Badge Total: 134

I didn't raid in the evening as I was far too drunk by then but the guild managed to down Rage WinterPrick again.

I went back to the badge vendor at 23:00 and it had calmed down a lot, but was still busy.

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