Thursday 29 November 2007

Old Cooking Dailies

Last night I popped over to Nagrand and AoE ground talbuks and clefthoofs for meat. I need 4 Clefthoof meat to make Roasted Clefthoof for yesterdays daily cooking quest.

Once I'd got it I popped back to Shattrath to cook it then headed to the Ancestral Ground on the western edge of Nagrand. I tried to use the cooking pot and, ffs, requires cooking fire.

You have to use the cooking pot in The Ancestral Grounds so there must be a bloody cooking fire here. Wasted all that time going back to Shat to cook the clefthoofs up. Fuck!

I flew around a bit and found a fire, cooked up the Spiritual Soup and went back to The Rokk and handed it in. Unfortunately I didn't get any recipes this time though :(

So, this at least proves that you can do the previous days cooking daily quest. But, you can't then pick up the current days one.

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