Monday 26 November 2007

Heroic ... More Like Shambolic Arcatraz

Sunday 25 November 2007

Just goes to prove I'm still learning the ropes as a tankadin.

My one-on-one tanking skill is just about there I reckon, just need to fine tune what I do when I lose aggro.

What I really need to improve is pulling, that got us a few wipes and I'm sorry to say we had a paladin as healer.

I'm not sorry that the healer was a paladin, I'm sorry that the healing was, lets just say, cutting it fine and sometimes plain inadequate. I think I'll check up on her armoury profile and see if my healing gear is better.

Of course I caused a few wipes with my nub tanking skills and a couple of dodgy body pulls! We cleared the first boss room then skipped him and headed up stairs, I then wiped us on the voidwalker thingies a couple of times. First time because I didn't move them out of their healing portals because I didn't know about them (read: forgot) and the second time because I got all tangled up against a wall and left it in its healing portal again.

The Paladin left and we got a resto druid in to continue. We cleared the room easy then (now that I knew about the portals) and moved on.

I then executed another bloody awful body pull and then hid round a corner so I couldn't get any healing - oops.

Onwards to the 2 bitches. We took the one on the left.

With her, she heals. So the rogues (of which we had 2) have to interrupt. This is just after a whirlwind, so all melee have to run out and then rogue back in to interrupt her heal. Of course this didn't happen.

First time the rogues both died to the whirlwind so we all ran the entire length of the instance - haha - to escape.

The next time the rogues didn't die but her HP just never went down, I guess they weren't interrupting the heals. We ran out again and reset once a rogue went down.

We decided to call it a day at this point. So huge repair bill and no badges of justice and no daily quest complete.


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