Monday 21 July 2008

BoreDom Got Into Beta

The Bastard, our friendly neighbourhood mage who came over from FT, got an email on Saturday advising him that he had been chosen to get into the WotLK beta. The GIT, not fair /sulk !!

I am checking my email every few hours in case my invite got lost, but it hasn't turned up yet.

On the upside he said the client was 2GB and it estimated a 10 hour download. Ha Ha Ha.

By the time he got it downloaded and installed on Sunday he was in and messing about with his Death Knight, but he reported that it seems to have made his normal WoW client less stable. Hahhaha!

I don't think I want to get into the Beta now, that and the fact that come the end of Beta you will be back at level 70 and have to do the 70-80 grind all over again.

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