Wednesday 16 January 2008

Saturday's Hunter Lock Goodness

Spent most of Saturday frigging about with TiceNits' hunter and EvilBastard.

I Decided that as TiceNits has a tank (well a wolf) that I would pop out the imp and DPS (dark pact too)

We most of Hellfire Peninsular quests cleared, but had to bring in the big guns - HolyWarrior, to complete the "Suggested Players: 3" quest up in the Pools of Aggromar because my VW was dead before I could dot the boss up and start healing him.

That Bastard is hard, Holy Warrior was getting hit hard prot specced in full Kara tanking epix.

It was one hand on Holy Shield with the other hand on Shadowbolt spam. Haha, he went down with HolyWarrior on about 10% HP.

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