Tuesday 22 January 2008

Another First For Me

Tonight we went for a pop at Hydross the Unstable; the guild have downed him once, last week, which I missed, but this was my first go at him.

We had some trouble starting off with 5 wipes, one was a lol-pull and another we had him to 3%; but we got him down on the 6th attempt.

Update: Weirdly we did 100K more damage on the 3% wipe than the actual kill. I wonder what we were hitting?!

I just need to get Leo down now, and I have caught up with the rest of the guild.

I can't believe his drops, though; they were crap.

Band of Vile Aggression, Living Root of the Wildheart, Blackfathom Warbands.

I mean, though, WTF is with the PVP ring?????

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