Sunday 10 February 2008

Shaman Air Totem Quest (Alliance)

It was a long trek up the side of the mountain that the Exodar had crashed into, but after several hours I arrived exhausted at the summit.

Me: Hail mighty air spirit, I have been sent for training.

Air Spirit: Greetings Shaman, I have been expecting you. I have heard great things of you from my earth, fire and water brethren. Unlike them, I will not set you an arduous task, you have already proved yourself.

Me: Thanks dude Thank you great spirit.

Air Spirit: Take this token to your trainer and he will imbue its essence into a totem for you.

Me: Cheers mate Thank you oh airy one. God, it's high up here, I'm getting quite a case of vertigo.

Air Spirit: I will aid you in you return.



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