Monday 18 February 2008

Monday Kara Run

Picked up the guild Kara run.

Started with Prince :S ...

...and 2 shotted him, he dropped The Decapitator, Helm of the Fallen Hero and Ring of a Thousand Marks and 3 badges. I already have the ring and the rest was crap so 3 badges was all I got from him

Netherspite was 1 shotted and dropped Cowl of Defiance, Pantaloons of Repentance and 2 badges!!

Then Illhoof was 1-shotted and dropped Cord of Nature's Sustenance, Gilded Thorium Cloak and 2 badges. I won the roll on the cloak for my tanking build and i will looklater to see if it was worth it!

So I may have upgraded my tanking cloak and got 7 Badges. not bad for less than 2 hours work!!

Badge Total: 57

Tanking Stats: 515 Defence 103.5% avoidance. time to lose some def/avoidance and gain some moe stamina :)


Ardent Defender said...

The cloak dropped on our guild first shot at illhoof. Due to a little miscommunication it got DE. However was not a big deal as better it did since I just got a new badge helm and only need 6 more Badges for 35 Badges to get the upgraded Silk Cloak of Placation which would be better than the one from Illhoof. So Saturday likely I'll have my 4th Badge tanking piece.

MarcusMaximi said...

Awww, I hate it when something gets DE'd that you could use. Happened to me several times. In fact I've probably QQ'd about it in my blog :P