Wednesday 29 August 2007

Tempest Keep

Sunday 28th August 2007 - Tempest Keep 1

Today we went offto have a look at Tempest Keep. We had the mandatory wipe on the first group of mobs but then we gradually made our way through to Void Reaver.

Now he is pretty much a tank and spank with a little extra. He sends orbs flying towards your position which do some serious damage and silence you. They go to where you WERE standing though so if you get targetted you simply run away.

You have to watch out for other people getting targeted near you as well, and run away from them too, they have a pretty large damage range.

He also resets if you run out of the room, so that's pretty good, we wiped a few times and had fun with him but had to call it quits after 2 hours on him because the trash stared respawning.

I got no loot but got my DKP back up to 14 from 0.

TiceNits got Fire-cord of the Magus, so she was pretty happy.

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