Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Finally Started Raiding

Well, after playing WoW for 18 months I am finally raiding! Woot!

I started playing in January 2006 and was level 60 within a couple of months of casual levelling.

I joined a friendly guild which didn't really have a chance of even getting to UBRS, level 60s kept leaving for raiding guilds and I eventually became GM through a process of attrition. Still no hope of raiding so I created a new character on a newly created server and started a new guild. This started off and we recruited lots of new members. Some of those new members levelled very fast and then got frustrated by the lack of raiding so left.

So I left my level 47 tauren shaman and headed back to my level 60 human paladin but no-one was interested in doing anything because TBC was coming.

TBC hit and my girlfriend, lets call her TiceNits, and I moved our main characters to another realm where a friend, lets call him StupidDorf, had his hunter. We started levelling and joined a casual raid guild called "Fist Me Nicely". However by about level 64 got I bored of the 60-70 grind and temporarily went back to my original realm and levelled my Gnome Warlock to level 61.

Nothing going on there though, so started levelling my paladin again after threats of /gkick because I wasn't level 70 yet. By now TiceNits and the guild were already attuned and raiding Karazhan.

By the time I got to level 70 the guild dissolved without me even getting the chance to do 1 single outland instance. :(

Well, by now my good friend the Dwarf Hunter was back from 3 months working in abroad so he got me and TiceNits into a once proud high-end raiding guild, lets call it "Afterbirth", it was non-raiding and quiet now but there was still a few people around.

That was back at the end of March 2007. I then spent the next 3 months levelling some of my other alts up back on the "Home" server so my warlock could access their professions at post-level 225.

So along came my level 35 Priest Herbalist/Alchemist. Bored of Him.

Next came my Mage Miner/Blacksmith, got him to level 40 and then got bored.

Then got my rogue Leatherworker/Skinner to level 41 whilst playing with my TiceNits' druid but then she quit WoW again.

StupidDorf finally made it to level 70 and /gquit and joined "FuckingTossers"* where a lot of the old "Afterbirth" people had gone and were raiding Karazhan.

Back to my old faithful paladin then where TiceNits (Gnome Mage), had managed to secure herself a trial with "FuckingTossers", mage class closed but StupidDorf got her in!

After watching her and StupidDorf do a couple of runs in Karazhan, I was thinking, now this is what I want to do, this is finally what the game is all about.

With StupidDorf and TiceNits in the guild I ventured over to the guild website to check it out on the advice that they were looking for healers and I'd get a good reference. Yep they wanted paladins. YAY!

There was no requirement to actually be attuned for Karazhan, but I reckoned it would look better if I was, so I spent the next week getting attuned, StupidDorf got a couple of the guildies to come along and help with the instances, so I got a semi-trial there and then.

So on Friday July 20th 2007 I applied to my first raiding guild, Friday night we went for a little Shattered Halls run and i got a nice healing weapon upgrade and an offhand healing thinggummy and the suggestion that I had done well.

Sunday 22nd July, a Karazhan run with the guild.

Result? You'll have to keep reading...

* Renamed

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