Wednesday 7 May 2008

Wears Mi Goddam DPS FFS

Blatant rip off from Nibucas's Whar's Ma DPS series.

So, having forgotten to turn on combat logging I had to download recount (preservation) [link] for the Karazhan run.

Whilst SL, SoC and Rain of Firing mob packs I got EB's DPS up to around 650 but the rest of the time he was hanging around 500.

This was very disappointing as he has now many more epics than when he was farming motes of water some time ago and could manage 500 dps.

The whole raid he averaged 539 DPS and that's without many gems and enchants and a proper raid build. So I could get that up closer to 600 I suppose.

But, with frostweave and spellstrike and belt of blasting as well as the kara stuff I have there isn't a lot else I can do and I really think I should be closer to 700 than 500 :(

I've really got to get that belt of blasting made and gem and enchant stuff and see where it gets me!

1 comment:

Nibuca said...

Check out the addon: CLSaver. It automatically toggles your combat log on for instances that you've told it to toggle on.