Tuesday 20 May 2008


I stayed on my shaman. I set my DND to "fuck off" in case anyone whispered me.

They started the Black Temple raid ... late.

They wiped a lot on Shade of Akama trash. Mainly because they weren't following my advice.

I chuckled.

My Shaman hit level 43.

I smiled.

And then it all came together.

They managed to use frost traps at the doors.

They managed to sheep the correct adds and burn them down in the correct order.

The actually "USED" the 3rd tank to tank all the defenders rather than sit on his arse watching Akama tank them.

They killed all the channellers and poly-morphed remaining adds.

Then they fucking killed Shade of Akama.

They fucking killed him while I was still sulking about Karazhan.


Pally Loot? No. Thank Fuck for that!

I smiled. My guild has gone 3/9 in Black Temple. Congratulations :)

I think I should set my personal tally as only 1/9 as I missed Najentus too.

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