Monday 5 May 2008

EB T5 Head

Edit: No-one appears to have spotted my deliberate mistake. If should obviously be the Tier 4 head that EB got from Prince!

So when I got in from the pub and log on I asked last Wednesday's raid leader, Elephant, if Prince and Spite are still alive. She replies "Sign for the fucking raid".

So I sign for the raid and then get an invite and am told we're going in 20 minutes - hahha - and I have to get TiceNits' alt online too.

So we go back into Karazhan at around 20:30.

On Netherspite I am told to share the blue beam with TiceNits' alt. I advise that I can do the whole phase on my own. "Ha ha - share it" I am told.

As I am sat next to TiceNits she agrees only to take the blue beam if needed. DOT him up. Drain Life till end of phase. Increased damage means increases drain life healing - mwuahhahah. TiceNits' didn't touch the blue beam in at all. Afterwards TiceNits declares "You really did take the beam for the whole duration" TBH I hadn't even considered stepping out!!

Next up we have some bloody awful infernal placement on Prince and have a wipe. but he goes down on the next go ... and he drops ... the T5 head token ... which I win!!

I'm not sure I need it as I have Spellfire Hood! Hahaha!

Thats another 5 Badges anyway, taking EB up to 69 :)

TiceNits is pissed off because she could really use it. Well it'll look good on me anyway!


Afterwards I hellfired myself to death so that I didn't have to run all the way back to the bottom to hand in the Prince quest. Then realised that the Aran quest has to be handed in in the library so traipsed off to do that.

Then found some dragon bones outside and then off to Dalaran and finally Area 52 where I picked up the quest that HW still has; to go into Shattered Halls I think.

Along with that running around I also did the Outlands Orphan Quest chain too. SO EB has a cute little (__________) - Dunno now - it's late. It was either another Elek cos they're cute or the weird willy Eye thing cos it looks evil!

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