Sunday 18 May 2008

BT Continued

We went back in to Black Temple and got Supremus down on the second try. This time I was extra careful about volcanoes and the instant they appeared I'd abandon what I was casting and run. I still nearly died several times though!

We then went to Akama and died a few times!!

He should be a stupidly easy fight. 2 groups of 2 mages, hunter, healer and a tank. 1 on each door. Hunter lays frost trap, mobs rush in. Get caught in trap. Mages sheep 2 of the mobs. Tank gets 3rd, burn it down, burn down sheep #1, burn down sheep #2. Lay frost trap. Repeat. This is handled just by that group and is repeated on the other side.

Meanwhile a defender occasionally comes from one door and is picked up by third tank who has 1 healer. A summoner occasionally comes from the other door and joins the channellers by Shade of Akama and helps them.

It is the job of the rest of the raid to down all the channellers and summoner adds to release Shade of Akama.

When he is released he goes straight for Akama. At this point the remaining adds are chain-sheeped and the whole raid goes to town on Shade with no regard to threat. He will be stuck on Akama and you have to kill him before he kills Akama.

So what did we do? Randomly ran around trying to kill things and dying to Rain of Fire!!!

Oh Well, Supremus down and 2 more badges - up to 188- woohoo

1 comment:

Ardent Defender said...

Gratz on getting to BT. Enjoy the fun there.

I will never see the place, but its not due to any lack of effort. Just spending time leveling a second 70 pretty much.