Thursday 26 June 2008

Tossing off in the Midsummer

More scope for cool referral links here but this post is about the Midsummer festival and also includes a tip about the torch catching quest!

Over the last few days I decided to try and collect ALL of the possible Fire blossom things for the midsummer festival.

Last night before the raid I finished off Kalimdor and got both the Orgimar and Thunder Bluff fires and only had the 2 fires in Dustwalow Marsh left.

After the raid I went and got them and then headed back to IF to hand in the 4 capital city flames and to do the torch tossing and catching quests.

Incidentally, the capital city fires give you a total of 100 blossoms and 20 summer festival buff foods so it's well worth it!

Torch Catching Tip #1: I was trying to follow the torch and click on it as it neared the ground to much failure. After a quick search it appears you don't have to click it and also that it has a shadow. So what you do is stand by the bonfire and then throw your torch. Angle the camera view to show you from above and then just follow the shadow around. I found the best positioning to be very slightly ahead of the shadow and not to stop when it looks like it has hit the ground, keep running. It will disappear briefly and then you will automatically throw it back into the air.

Do this 4 times and you have completed the initial quest.

Torch Catching Tip #2: Don't attempt this quest when your other-half is watching streaming video over the i-net. TiceNits was watching Eastenders - Grrr!! I was constantly failing to catch the torch even when I was stood underneath it as it landed. Turns out I only "thought" I was there - frigging lag!!

Once you have done the initial quest (as well as the torch tossing quest) you can then do the daily version of each. This time you have to catch 10 torches and you have to blow up 20 of the fires for the tossing quest.

At this point I realised I had not done the Zoram stand quest, so popped out there and completed that and its follow up.

Back to IF to hand that in and get the Fire Festival Crown and then start on the mini-chain that will lead to you fighting Lord Athune or whatever his name is.

At this point (only done the 2 dailies once each and not done the Striking Back quest) I had 592 blossoms!

I already had the pet flame and the shoulders from last years event so I picked up the "weird dancing Dranei on a fire" non-combat pet for 350 blossoms and the chest piece for 100 blossoms. Leaving me 142 blossoms. The only thing left to get is the Sandals for 200 blossoms and then I have every single item you can get from the festival - maybe.

Apparently it is not possible to do this all from scratch in 1 year, so I'm glad that I already had the flame and the shoulders from last year ;)

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