Sunday 8 June 2008

BT Woot

Started about 20:45 and Supremus dropped at 22:00 (3 shotted). We did have an extra wipe on his trash about half way up the hill though, and then I may have caused a mini wipe during recovery, but I wasn't the first to die so I suspect someone else did the actual body pull while trying to rez!!

He left us these little pressies which was very kind of him:
Idol of the White Stag
Wraps of Precise Flight
2 Badges

So off we popped up to the Shade of Akama encounter and 1 shotted him at 23:00. So now I can officially say I am 3/9 in Black Temple!!

This was his little stash:
Praetorian's Legguards
Amice of Brilliant Light
2 Badges

Badge total 222

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