Monday 23 November 2009

Fucking Good Deal

Someone just asked in /trade to link inscription.

I linked him it in a whisper.

He replied back about Darkmoon Card of the North. I though wierd but I'll go with it.

He asked me about where to get Resilient parchments and whether he could get them from inscriptionist supplies. Just BEFORE I put load on the auction house for loadsa money.

I am too honest, I told him yes.

He then met up with me and gave me 40 IotS, 40 SFI, 19 Eternal Life and 20 Resilient Parchement an asked me to make as many Darkmoon cards as I could.

He got 3 chaos and 3 prisms cards out of it (including Ace of Prisms) I got to keep the rest of the mats.

22 IotS: 110 gold (Glyph price)
4 SFI: 44g
1 Eternal Life: 30g
14 Res Parch: 7g

181 gold if I'm not mistaken!! LOL!!!

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