Wednesday 15 October 2008

ArchiMonkey Down Again!

Quick update: We went to MH for the last time before patch 3.0.2 last night.

We were hoping for a quick kill to prove the last kill wasn't a fluke. Oh NO!!! The first attempt we got him down to about 50%, then we had 10 wipes.

The raid leader calls the last try of the night. We are getting him down and people are dying, but with 10 healers we manage to keep the chain reaction from happening.

For most of the night I was down in 7th or 8th healing but on this attempt I was the best pally and the 3rd best.

Somewhere between 15 and 11% I died, I was totally consumed by the fire and could not bubble out. Dead Pally.

We were down to 5 or 6 people as he dipped into 10% and IMMUNE!!!

He got down to 5% (due to our low DPS) and dropped dead, just going to prove that you can sit back an watch as he will die anyway, rather than having 1 minute or whatever to DPS him down.

No Loot for me but 3 more badges! What use are they going to be in 4 weeks?

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