Thursday 4 February 2010

Ensidia Banned For Lich King Kill?

WTF? Just been browsing /arseholes or more commonly known as /2 trade and it's full of talk of Ensidia being banned for 72 hours for exploiting the Lich King fight with saronite bombs and platforms re-appearing or something. The got their achi's removed as well apparently.*

Who is Ensidia?

And more to the point who is this Lich King of which they speak?

*All total hearsay from my regions /cocks channel so who knows!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

They have been a "top"-ish guild for a while now... they even came up with an addon to help call out the scrubs who stand in the fire / voidzone / poison / etc. check it out, its a good addon.....

Of all the sites talking about Ensidia... no one has said it yet, that I have seen... so here it goes...

Ensidia Fails!