Friday 30 November 2007

Aldor or Scryer (part 6,471,385)

So, EvilBastard, my level 61 affliction warlock is gonna start leveling again soon, should have a gadzillion rested bonus!

And of course I am back to the same Aldor/Scryer quandary that roughly 6.5 million WoW players have had before me.

It was pretty easy with my paladin, I was a nub, I picked the Dranei dudes obviously, being a human. I wasn't gonna ally myself with some dirty horde!!

But this time I'm thinking that I should put some thought into this.

So as a Level 61 Gnome Affliction Tailor/Enchanter Warlock whose boots should I lick?

Edit: for those people finding this post through search engines wondering what way to go? I went Scryer in the end. Enchanter trainer is on scryer tier to start with, and you don't die when you jump down at the lift!!

1 comment:

Ardent Defender said...

I say put some thought into which one you choose for your Warlock to ally with. Most likely which ever one favors your Warlock profession, skill or spec the most when allied with.

For my Blood Elf Paladin i was naturally allied with Scryer already. But i though hard about my choice when i made it. What was important i knew how i was going to play my Paladin in the endgame if that and as a Tank. Therefore Scryer favored me with the tanking enchants for the shoulders for Defense and other things.

Being a Alchemist with only one faction potion between both Scryer and Aldor, Scryer again favored me profession wise. Therefore the choice was now obvious from a Spec and a Profession standpoint. So i went Scryer's