Thursday 3 January 2008

Little bit of Karazhan Love

Popped into Karazhan with the porkers last night and was asked if I could step out so one of the other pallies could have a pop at Opera and Prince. Well, I said opera was cool cos I only wanted Red Riding Hood's Cloak but I wanted stuff from Prince and the Stainless Cloak he drops is better anyway (as if we'd get there on an off night - haha).

Guess what dropped from Attumen? Yes that's right - the bloody Vambracers of Courage. I knew if I bought the badge rewards one they would drop. Well, I thought I'd have them anyway, but I missed the roll, shouted in /ra but they got picked up by the sharder anyway.

Not a big deal I suppose, we went onto 1 shot Moroes and then onto maiden. I blessing of sacruificed the MT and we one shotted her as well. At which point I couldn't be bothered anymore so let the other pally have the rest of the run to her/himself.

5 more badges though

Need to update the following stats soon with my new gems and shoulders...

Tanking Progress:
Badges of Justice: 46
Holy Dust: 9
Aldor Rep: 2672/21000 Revered
Shatar Rep: 3184/12000 Honoured
Defence: 491
Avoidance: 102.827%
Armour: 14491
HP: 11227
Mana: 4953

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